Monday, September 21, 2009

What has happened in truth and society is that I have had my mind blown, several times even. Initially I did take this course because I did believe it might be easier for me if I was able to group three of my classes together. What I have found is a course where everyone is completely open and honest into reflecting their own opinions. Now getting back to the reason my mind has been “ blown”. The other day we were having a discussion on teenagers led by Michael Camp and the article he brought in to share with us. We then started to reflect on teenagers today and how we did not rebel and how we do not have the same passion teenagers once had. At first I kind of dismissed these claims but when I started to think about it, where are the riots? Where is Woodstock? We really have become a passive, materialistic naïve teenage culture. This is what I want to change and learn more about. Also I learned about the graphic novel based on genesis which I found very intriguing and am hoping to either study or buy and form my own opinion on at some point this year. Last week I learned about the course how it will be done, I learned about occasions and the assignments and the testing for the course. Also I got to learn a little about the other students in the class by interacting with them and hearing their responses for different things throughout the class. I also enjoyed the heartfelt discussion we had regarding preformed beliefs and how we cannot make the mistakes of giving these preformed notions to our own kids one day.