Monday, February 8, 2010


This week in class we tried to choose a foci assignment for the class to begin a study on. This week I did not learn a vast area of things but I did learn about My Lai. The story of Hugh Thompson really made me think about the age old question “I was just following orders.” On one side of things you have William Calley who is dead set on following the orders he was given. He even believed the orders included killing woman children and basically everyone there. Hugh Thompson however even in the heat of the battle was able to establish that what was happening was wrong and would not cooperate and attempted to stop them.

The thing I found most troubling about these events was the aftermath in which Hugh Thompson was condemned for his actions. It was not until 2001 he was actually rewarded with some gratitude for his accomplishments. It really makes me think about the boundaries of war and at what point is too far. In conclusion it is just nice to see a little humanity in war.

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